RADIATION SAFETY AND HEALTHThe use of radionuclides and radiation sources in industry, medicine, and education continues to create a need for persons trained in their safe use. There are a lot of demands for the competency of RPO and other safety personnel in an organization, in connection of that  Centre of Nuclear Excellence has played an important role in achieving the target through holistic approach in training, consultancy as well as recognized center of excellence in radiation protection by AELB.

Radiation protection is an integral part of general health procedures, safety regulations and management systems at the workplace. The safe use and handling of radiation sources can be accomplished through familiarization with the associated technical topics. Safety can be assured when organization and radiation workers have enough information and good practice in right working procedure.

All of our training programmes, can be conducted through Public Training, Regional based programmes and Agency-based Programme. The programme can be designed to respond to the demands and meet the needs of the organization. CoNE training programme are conducted by a pool of qualified and experienced facilitators and supported by well-equipped facilities towards customer’s satisfaction.

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